Lumen Artis Lodge #199 AF&AM


Information | At a Glance

Stated Communications | 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 7:00PM

Address | 414 Main Street, Unit D; Windsor CO  80550

Contact | Email:
                  Phone:  (970) 578-0199

Trestleboard | Trestleboard

For More Information, Enter Our Lodge Page | Our Lodge Page

Lumen Artis Lodge #199 AF&AM is a Masonic Lodge that was established in Northern Colorado by a group of brothers hoping to create a place that they could gather and assist each other in their Masonic journeys.  Lumen Artis #199 AF&AM was granted Dispensation on October 23, 2018 and subsequenly Chartered on January 24, 2020 by the Grand Lodge of Colorado A.F.& A.M. Lumen Artis Lodge #199 A.F. & A.M. is a Masonic Lodge located in Windsor, Colorado.

Freemasonry - What Is It?

It has a different connotation in different situations. Someone has written that Freemasonry is honesty in business; that it is fairness in work; courtesy in society; compassion for the sick and unfortunate; forgiveness for the penitent; love for our fellow man and reverence for God.

Yes, it is all of these, but is more, for Freemasonry is a philosophy to live by, the shadow of amighty rock in a weary land.